Tuesday 31 August 2010

A tribute to the Osprey Staff at WendigoLake

The job these guys & girls do is physically demanding and emotionally draining. Yet they remain understanding, caring and patient throughout. It was easy for me as a volunteer with no responsibilities to be all of those things, yet I saw them uphold these virtues throughout the most tiring and stressful of situations. I was constantly impressed that they were able to maintain a level of professionalism whilst silently dealing with their own frustrations. Whatever incident was unfolding they held both the physical and emotional well being of the crew at the forefront at all times. I've learnt a huge amount from the amazing staff I've been privileged to volunteer alongside and would like to thank you all for allowing me to share these trips with you.

Project REACH @ Wendigolake - TRIP 2

Here is an overview of TRIP 2 - there may be errors and there are definitely omissions, but this is as best I can remember it.
As before i will get around eventually to emailing Adi a more detailed account.

Day 1
Incredibly, against the odds, we set of on trip with a full crew of 10 guys. Following usual shenanigans in the dorm prior to trip we managed to get away at about 11am and were on the water at 3.30pm. It had just about stopped raining at this point but was still looking ominous. Trip leader was Andrew again and was joined by two other instructors Caroline and Ian. With seven canoes we made an impressive entourage and a somewhat noisy one at that too.
Temagami is a huge area about 3 hours north of Algonquin and is a series of large lakes with hundreds of islands, inlets and bays. It really is beautiful and has quite a different feel to Algonquin. The downside is the motor boats and jet skis which I found can make the area seem busy and crowded at times.
By the time we arrive at camp it's raining again. Although we've not paddled too far it's been an eventful afternoon with several discussions on the water and an brief incident resulting in a smashed paddle and several unfortunate inukshuks. When the tents are set up it transpires that one of the ground sheets is missing.

Day 2

Torrential rain in the night and the guys wake up around 5am, noisily complaining of being wet - especially in the tent without a ground sheet. Nothing like a wet sleeping bag & lack of sleep to cause grumpiness amongst the campers.
Our food barrels and one food bag which had been floated in the canoe last night ( bear float ) are retrieved from a canoe almost swamped with water. Our buns for the mornings sausage burgers have to be first wrung out but amazingly this causes very little issues. The guys get on with it, fry the buns in margarine and manage to serve a very acceptable breakfast.
We paddle into a headwind today but choose a camp quite early as we have lots of drying out to do. A couple of the guys get a fire going quickly and we set about drying out at least half the crews sleeping bags which are literally sopping wet through. The rain has eased to a slight drizzle but this does nothing to improve the mood. We have several discussions for swearing, peer disrespect and on more than one occasion a crew member throws water on the fire in a temper. But it gets re-lit without much problem and we carry on drying out the sleeping bags.
When it comes to sorting out tent groups there is a 'heated' debate. Guys are supposed to change tent groups each day but since one has no ground sheet they eventually decide to change tents but stay in the same groups as last night. I ask whether they have all double checked their bags for the missing ground sheet and get shot down in flames ! An hour later one of the guys finds the missing ground sheet in the bottom of his pack. By evening check-in all the sleeping bags are dried out, it has stopped raining and the mood has improved. Day 3

After a much needed good nights sleep we all awake in - slightly - better spirits. Camp gets packed up eventually and by 10.30am we are on our way. My paddle partner has informed me that I'd better be strong because he has no intention of paddling today. True to his word he flatly refuses to paddle. The group stop a couple of times in order to let us catch up and the rest of the crew give him lots of encouragement to paddle - in their own special way. After about an hour we raft up for a discussion. He gets a lot of feedback but is stubborn and still refuses to paddle. Andrew informs him what many of the team already know - that if one of the crew refuses to paddle we wait until he changes his mind. So we wait, and wait and wait, pretty much in silence ...still rafted up - thankfully with no headwind but no real tail wind either. After about half an hour my partner decides he will paddle now after all and we are on our way again. Plenty more discussion on the water for the usual swearing, inappropriate sexual comments, peer and staff disrespect etc. After a brief stop for lunch we pull into camp. We plan to have a layover day tomorrow ie. to stay at same campsite and swim, hike fish etc. and the crew are very excited about this. The campsite isn't the greatest and needs a lot of work but the guys are up for it and set to work rebuilding the fire pit, finding benches etc. and generally doing a really good job of it all.
During the afternoon the crew are fairly stable and enjoy swimming, fishing and a bit of chilling out time.
Andrew confides to the staff that as well as the food bag, one of the barrels also leaked and we need to check all of our food to see if it is still all OK. Unfortunately the leak in the barrel was worse than suspected and a lot of our food has been ruined. We only have food left for 3 more nights and will have to arrange an extra pick up. Andrew studies the map and tells the staff that we will have to change our route ( which involves an unplanned 760m portage ) and that tomorrow's layover day will have to be cancelled.
He breaks the news to the crew at check-in - i think it's fair to say that it could definitely have gone better. Due to the fact I've not had any training in restraint, I watch from the sidelines.
At around 12.30am myself and Ian head to bed, Andrew and Caroline stay up for another hour or so.

Day 4

The guys are somewhat fractious this morning and a few are anxious about the impending discussion about the events of last night. We get on the water about 11am and paddle into a bay in order to raft up and conduct the discussion. Accountability is taken, feedback given and consequences ( 72hr OP ) are allocated. There have been many OP's issued on the trip so far and I confess to having lost track of them all at this point.
We continue paddling but unfortunately one of the guys involved in last nights incident is now refusing to paddle. We raft up for a discussion due to not paddling but unfortunately the person in question is in no mood for this right now. The upshot is that we split the group and end up on opposite sides to a bay, remaining in radio contact. While Caroline and Ian remain with the guy who needs some space and also one other peer who is trying to talk him round, Andrew and I take the rest of the group away from the situation. We have lunch, swim, play games etc. and a couple of hours later the group is reunited and appropriate discussions are held.
We paddle until late afternoon and find a lovely campsite by which time the crew are all stable and set about on various camp chores. With the exception of a few discussions which came about due to inappropriate reactions to the nude swimming of our camp neighbours, the evening passed relatively uneventfully.
The weather has improved and several of the guys are choosing to sleep outside of tents. However they must be in staff site and initial reluctance to comply with this adds another hour onto our bedtime.

Day 5

It rained overnight and one of the guys sleeping outside went into a tent in the middle of the night but for some reason left his sleeping bag outside. He is not a happy camper. There is a lot of arguing going on but eventually breakfast in cooked. Breakfast is oatmeal ( porridge ) which the guys hate so this could be contributing to the arguing. We are on the water eventually and by lunchtime the sun is out. We hope to have a quick lunch as we would like to make some distance up today but events during lunch mean it ends up being about 2 hours. We get going eventually when yet another crew member refuses to paddle. This is resolved relatively quickly and as the wind picks up we have a much needed tailwind. At 5.30pm after having done a short portage of 70m ( which was planned ) the guys are starting to get tired and hungry. We still have a few km to go and in addition the 760m portage. We raft up for a vote and it is decided 6:4 that we will camp tonight before the portage and aim for a slightly longer day tomorrow.
Of course we now have 4 unhappy crew members.
We find a camp and two of the crew start throwing and then eating unidentified berries. We circle up for a discussion and they are given a 48hr OP for a safety concern. This doesn't go down well and the rest of the crew are advised to 'disengage' from them whilst they throw rocks at the canoes, eat more berries and according to one unconfirmed ( and not particularly reliable source ) bite the heads off frogs.
By check-in we are all stable once again albeit in a somewhat subdued mood. The leader of the day starts check-in by a roaring rendition of the repeat after me song 'Toast' which raises everyone spirits and we all go to bed much much happier.

Day 6

We woke up early today and thankfully it's good weather although the crew are in a fractious mood. One of the tents have to be taken down around them in order to encourage the guys to get up. We've the 740m portage to do and extra supplies to pick up today. My paddle partner refuses to wear his wet shoes and then becomes furious when his hiking boots get splashed - his response is to paddle with his boots fully in the water hanging over the gunnels of the boat. A similar incident in another boat results in one of the crew refusing to wear anything at all on his feet for the next two days.
We stop at a beautiful sandy beach for lunch whilst one canoe heads off to the pick up point. Once we have our supplies we start looking for a campsite. This causes much unhappiness since we end up paddling further than anticipated to find a suitable site that is not too close to any families. The crew take umbridge to the fact we don't want them close to other campers (@$?) and after much swearing and threatening and several refusals to paddle, we are once again on our way.
We head out further into the lake and with a fantastic tail wind raft up all 7 canoes and get the kitchen tarp flying ! It was awesome. We had three man overboards to deal with - one took 6 throwlines tied together in order to recover him we were going so fast !
We finally reach a really nice campsite where we are to spend our layover day tomorrow. Everyone is stable for a while and we have fun swimming and fishing. Late afternoon one of the guys goes to lie down and sleep in their tent - this is not allowed. They can bring carry mats out onto the rocks and in the sun but not in the tent during the day. We have already had a previous issue with this in the trip and if warnings from staff are ignored the consequence is that the tent is taken down around the person still in it.
After more than enough warnings and chances, the tent is taken down. The sleeping chap and another of his tent mates who had put the tent up are furious and rage towards the staff tent and start taking our tent down in retaliation. I watch on in amusement ( it takes 5 minutes to put the tents up it's really no big deal ) as the tent is dismantled. However, this does not seem to be giving one of the guys enough satisfaction as he then takes one of our tent poles and launches it javelin style into the lake. Oh dear. Not to worry though because we are fortunate in having the rest of the crew on side at the moment and trying - unsuccessfully - to calm these two fellas down. Almost immediately our pole has been retrieved by one of the crew, only to have it thrown straight back in, this time further !
Eventually everyone calms down, discussions are held and after dinner the crew play a game of 'hunt the tent pole' which was found just before sunset !
A short incident involving the fire and lots of wood being thrown in the lake followed later on, but by the time everyone went to bed all was calm.
Day 7
I have definitely & totally lost track of all the OP's going on right now - the staff update the official log book ( a legal document ) every half hour and are obviously on top of it all ! I can say that out of the 10 there was only one young man who didn't get a single OP all trip - well done !
Today is our layover day and so we all have a lie in. We wake to blue skies but it's quite windy and chilly too.
I have a short time to lie in my hammock and relax before we wake the crew up. The Temagami region is really quite beautiful with hundreds of islands and lots of bays and inlets. We are surrounded by forest and small little hills. The highest point around is about 600m and the lake is at approx 300m. As lovely as it is, I find myself - not for the first time since I left - missing the Lake District fells and the Scottish mountains. The campsites here don't seem quite as well maintained as in Algonquin, for example, the crew have needed to rebuild fire pits in most of the sites, make benches round the campfire and we haven't always had thunder boxes. When we have, they've not always been the most pleasant. Talking of thunder boxes this site has two - very close together and in full view from the firepit/kitchen area. The guys absolutely love this and head off in pairs so they have a friend to chat with at the same time !
The layover day goes well until after dinner.
Unfortunately we have another physical altercation, a couple of awols ( technically not proper awols ie. actually trying to leave the group and go home - but just 'out of staff sight' if there is any serious concern of awol then staff must stay up all night !, an incident with a burning tree and a couple of hours with several of the crew going a little bit wild in the forest. There is a point when I seriously wonder if things will ever calm down and I ask Andrew - "it always calms down eventually" he said, "it's just a matter of time".
Sure enough, a couple of hours later the crew bring the discussion in themselves. We have check in and then all are settled in bed.
As I mention in the first trip report, check-in is an end of day review. Check in questions are decided by the leader of the day in conjunction with the trip leader Andrew. Sometimes it's a fairly quick affair and not much is said, the guys just want to get to bed. But sometimes the questions strike a nerve and answers really come from the heart. There has been more than one occasion when answers given by some of the guys have left me with a lump in my throat. For all their problems and issues, these guys have had a tough start in life and have been through a lot of things that children really shouldn't have to. During my time on trips I have warmed to all of them and have the utmost admiration for the fact they are working hard at this therapy program and trying to change their negative behaviours in order to ultimately improve their lives.

Day 8

Not a great start to the day, we have a force 4 headwind, a 'non-compliant' member who is on breakfast duty and another minor altercation, this time involving a staff member being punched in the leg.
I should mention that in terms of the distances we paddled and even the strong headwinds, neither presents an actual real problem for the guys. For some this is their 7th or 8th canoe trip since about May and they are overall an excellent group of very strong paddlers. The weather is hot today and most folk have a lunchtime swim which is a rare treat.
From review of my journal, today is one of the least eventful of the trip. Our barefoot camper finally agrees to put his shoes on, the guys on one occasion circle up themselves and deal with some swearing issues, it's really hot and sunny and we have a gorgeous sunset and check-in on the beach. The guys have found a discarded afro wig somewhere along the route which is hilarious and we get some great photo's ( although I don't think I can share them here )

Day 9


We only have 5km to our final campsite but Andrew decides we need to tire them out more and doesn't want to have a long afternoon at camp. We therefore paddle round an Island in order to make it a 10km journey. I only here one of the crew say in a slightly puzzled voice - " haven't we just paddled round in a circle " - we all ignore it and no more is said. We have an hour or so of calm and I get chance to chill out in my hammock again. Not for long though. Following a discussion which one member of the crew thinks is unfair he storms off round the corner and we hear a loud splash as he begins jumping off rocks into the water in an area which has not been checked. This takes a while to sort out but eventually we are all sitting round the campfire as Caroline runs the end of trip debrief. This is wonderful and leaves everyone feeling really good about themselves, it's definitely something I am going to use as a review tool in the future.

Day 10


The van is only a short 1km paddle away and we plan to have a final morning swim to try and reduce the odour in the van for the 3 hour drive home. But you know what they say about the best laid plans...A stupid little incident gets out of control and one guy ends up with a head injury which has to be bandaged up. He later is taken to hospital where he has a couple of stitches (I think) and a mild concussion.It is an unfortunate end to the trip which, despite it's ups and downs has been a terrific 10 days. I don't view the fights, sulks, arguments, awols etc... as incidents which have spoilt the trip in anyway. I think of them as necessary and integral parts of the healing process. It's a long and hard journey for these young men and I wish them all the best of luck.

Monday 30 August 2010

Osprey trip 2 - Back in camp

We arrived back from Temagami today after an amazing 10 day canoe trip. The trip certainly had it's ups and downs and, with a full crew, was significantly more eventful than the last. But I've had an awesome trip and have now officially hung my paddle up as I reach the end of my Canadian Wilderness Adventures.
I will endeavour to post a fuller trip report in the next few days but for now I will leave you with a small selection of photos. Right now I need a cup of tea and an early night. Sweet dreams x

Saturday 21 August 2010

Osprey Trip 2 - Day1

I've been at Wendigolake for the past couple of days and the crew are in really good spirits. there has been lots of swimming and canoe rescue practice prior to trip and I also hooked up with the Lobo's crew briefly to make a tie-dye t-shirt with them.
We are all packed up ready to go and I'm just about to head over for breakfast. All 10 of the crew ( including a new guy as one goes home today ) are packed and 'on side' at present but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. The weather has taken a turn for the worst and its raining hard so that may be an obstacle to over come for a few ! we are heading up to Temagami which I'm really excited about since I haven't managed to get up there so far this trip.
Will sign out for now and upate on the 30th or 31st, Love Sarah x

Thursday 19 August 2010

Paddler Co-Op : Kidactive

I've just got back from Paddler CoOp at Palmer rapids where I've had a fantastic few days helping out on one of their kidactive programs. I am blown away by what I've seen the children achieve in only a few days. It was a bit weird getting in a kayak after so long but I had fun ( someone had to 'safety test' the seal launch and and I even practiced my roll !

They have been ferry gliding, doing 's' and 'c' turns and have been swimming down the whitewater as well as running a section of the lower part of Palmer Rapids. I've taken lots of videos of their kayaking but can't seem to downloaded it onto the blog at the moment. I've put a few photo's on for now but have loads more and am hoping to get the video's organised soon.

Dan,the instructor, was fantastic and Shawna and the & the team made me feel so welcome. I'm back at Wendigo Lake now and we'll be getting ready for the trip tomorrow. The crew seem in fairly good spirits but watch this space...

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Project REACH @ Wendigolake - TRIP 1

Wendigo Lake was formerly known as Project DARE and until approx 10 years ago was a government run wilderness therapy centre for young men assigned to open custody. When the government proposed to close the centre it was bought out privately and now operates as Wendigo Lake Inc which encompasses 10 open custody young men (known as the LOBO crew) and 10 youth at risk ( known as the OSPREY crew). I have arranged to volunteer on the two canoe trips organised in August with the Osprey Crew. The Osprey Crew operate Project Reach, the principles of which are Responsibility, Effort, Attitude, Community & Honour. I've just returned from my first trip with them and have had a fantastic time. I've learnt so much from the staff I've been on trip with and have been pleasantly surprised by how quickly the Osprey crew accepted me as part of the team. The trip leader was Andrew and co-instructors were Gord[ and his dog Rebel ]& Nolan. Also on trip was Rob who is an instructor from also from England who has been over here for several months volunteering. Due to particularly bad behaviour on the previous trip this one stayed local in Algonquin Park. The original route changed several times due to various factors and although I haven't yet worked it out I would be willing to bet we portaged almost as much as we paddled. The young guys in Project Reach ranged from ages 14 to 17 and it goes without saying that they have all been in trouble with the police, drugs etc. Some have been in young offenders institutes and some in rehab centres. Many have been referred by CSA ( Child Services Agency ) and are in childrens homes or foster care. Some are private paying clients however and have been sent by parents, literally at their wits end. The guys enter the program at Grey Jay level and work their way up through Otter, Wolf & Bear. Each level being noted by a different coloured wrist band on which is inscribed 'try a different way'. The program is very much a group therapy and from what I have seen is very successful. There have also been a number of studies into various programs over the years which have shown it to be very effective - see webpage for more details. So anyway, our trip. Out of a crew of 10 we had 7 on the trip. One guy at Bear level was on a home visit ( from Wolf level they start to integrate home visits as part of the program ), and two flatly refused to come on trip. One of these was very new and had not been on a trip before, the other has been in the program a while but is obviously struggling with some issues at the moment. Of the seven that came on trip ( we started with 6 and one joined us on day3 ), for one it was the first trip and 2 of the others are at Wolf level. Here is a very brief day by day summary of the trip [ for a more detailed trip report ask Adi to forward you the email I sent him...] I haven't sorted all the photos out yet and for obvious reasons am not allowed to publish any which would allow the young people to be identified.
Breakfast at 8am and despite the fact it is only 30minutes to the put in we don't get on the water until 3.30pm. Multiple crew refuse to get out of bed, then refuse to come on trip. We leave Wendigo Lake with 6 out of the 8 who should be coming ( 2 are on home leave ). On arriving at the put in 2 guys refuse to get out of the van. After much to-ing and fro-ing we are all on the water eventually. Bad language is a huge problem for one particular young lad and we end up in several group discussions. Discussions can be called by staff or student for any number of reasons eg. bad language, staff or peer disrespect, horseplay, safety issues etc. This involves all the staff and crew standing (or sitting if in boats ). Sunglasses need to be removed and if anyone spits in the circle, the circle must be moved. The person who has called for the discussion explains why and the crew are invited to take accountability for their actions. If this is not done then other members may hold them accountable. The discussion is then open for peers and staff to give feedback and ultimately a consequence will be given. Consequences vary depending on the 'crime' and could be extra chores or a time OP ( Off Privileges - this means that they are not allowed to wear own clothes etc. listen to music or any other privileges that have been earned. On trip this means that they must spend time at their OP Tree reflecting on what they have done and miss out on swim or fish time etc.) Finally arrived at camp and we all set up tents - we have three tents, one for staff and two for the group. Tent groups for the crew change everyday and tent groups are not announced until they are all set up. We all go for a swim ( except those on OP trees ) have supper and it's off to bed. Based on past experience of camping with teenagers, sleep deprivation was my biggest fear on this trip but i needn't have worried. These guys love sleeping and since they trip twice a month and sleep in a dorm together there is no novelty factor. An hour after they are quiet we are allowed to go to bed.

Andrew the trip leader radios into base and is informed that we need to stay put for the day. Thunder storms are forecast and we need to wait for one of the crew to join us and also for base to get medication to us for one of the crew who has run out. Staff are concerned as to how a lay-over day this early in the trip will go. Turns out to be a great day with only a few discussions and relatively little problems. The guys fish, we all go swimming and play games in the woods. For all the issues these guys are dealing with, at heart they are a great bunch of guys and when they are on form are really fun to be with.

We are on the move today albeit on a different route from originally planned due to the fact we have lost so much time already. We have a 1.9km of portage today and this caused a few behaviour challenges which are overcome eventually. Some of these guys are really strong and portage a boat and a pack at the same time - when they put their minds to it they are an impressive team. It's hot and humid and tempers fray at times but overall it's really good. We have another lovely campsite for more swimming and fun. We are joined later in the day by an extra crew member who was on home leave and the ( by now much needed ) required medication. The midges are really bad tonight - these guys call them 'no-see-ums' ! Another good day and our trip leader sings for us when the crew are all in their tents. He has a great voice and we all enjoy his singing - their favourite is American Pie !

A very slow start to the day, mostly because there was too much water in the scrambled eggs which took a while to sort out and by then the crew were pretty lethargic and unwilling to do their various chores in order to get on the water. Chores are allocated each day and these are as follows ; breakfast, lunch, dinner, suncream, FRU ( friggin' remnants unclaimed ) patrol, water collection, bear float ( putting all food in barrels and floating at end of day ), tooth brushing ( ensuring all crew brush teeth and put toothpaste in barrel for bear float ), leader of the day and floater. Of course since there are only 7 on trip some jobs have to be picked up by others. Eventually we head off and are faced with 2 portages - 740m and 2.6km and due to the time of departure it looks like this will be happening in the hottest part of the day. Crew was ACE today. Everyone really pulled it out of the bag on the portages and despite the heat and humidity everyone did a great job and was very determined. Another couple of fun hours swimming at camp. Supper took a little longer than expected due to an unfortunate - yet predictable - incident with the macaroni which ended up with macaroni being picked up off the ground litter ally piece by piece and being 'cleaned - ish' before being cooked. Oh well. A little bit hard work to get the crew to tidy up camp before bed but it has been a long day.

3 portages today - 1.5km, 1.2km and 750m - separated by a couple of ponds that we could have swam across. I seriously feel like I'm on a hiking trip and have brought my canoe along by mistake. Portaging goes well but tempers are short today and we have quite a few discussions but nothing major. More fun swimming. Andrew tells the group that we have short day tomorrow and gives them some options ; either 1 ) get up early, get portaging over with and have more time to chill at camp site, 2) get up normal time or 3) have a lie in All except one vote for a lie in and head to bed. Andrew regrets giving them the option, we all set our watches forward an hour and agree to get up at normal time. ( They are not allowed watches or to see the map as this information would aid them in any AWOL efforts )

The crew wake up feeling refreshed after their 'lie-in'. We bang out the portages and short paddles and are at our next camp in good time. This is the best afternoon yet. Everyone has so much fun playing in the water and then later games in the woods. The sun is really hot and the guys get two upturned canoes and start playing submarines. They fill a canoe with water to try and create a 'hot tub' and bury each other in the sand. It's a really wonderful atmosphere with lots of laughter. One or two discussions but really it's been another great day.

Up early today in order to get to our rendevous point for 10am. We have no problems in motivating the crew as they are all eager to get back to camp for showers, phone calls, and are looking forward to having their meals cooked for them again. It's been a terrific experience for me and I've had a lot of fun on the trip and pleased that I'll get the chance to go on trip with them again before I leave Canada.

Sunday 15 August 2010

Bridget Jones does Vision Quest - Part 2

Day 1 cont...

Hurrah ! Matches have ignited and fire is roaring. Go in search of more firewood. Whilst looking for firewood discover 2 'thingys' off the side of match boxes just laying on the ground. Moral of this story - if you forget something have a good search around as chances are someone will have left just what you need for you.

After a mere 2 1/4 hours have boiled water and enjoying cup of tea. No vision yet, maybe it has to be dark.

Pasta supper ready, delicious ! Although cooking on open fire encourages feeling of Wilderness Canoe Goddess, think that will use stove in the morning to expediate process.

Headed out to secluded bay for after dinner swim and bath. Think that WCG would perform such a ritual naked. Part way through swim and bath with hair full of biodegradable camp suds am interrupted by couple seemingly out for romantic evening fish & paddle. They have run aground and romantic mood appears to have be somewhat replaced by domestic argument as to who needs to get out of canoe to push off. 'Evening' I venture, wondering who feels the most intruded upon. Just as well I had remembered at the last moment that I was a reserved English woman and therefore not predisposed to swimming naked.

Relieved not to have been swimming naked but feeling somewhat cheated by the interruption of arguing couple. Decide to have a dance topless round the campfire instead - surely this would induce wilderness vision.

Quite good fun but feel having Kevin Costner join in would have improved situation.

Hot water on the boil for hot chocolate and getting dark now. Eagerly anticipating vision. Pretty dark think will go and get headtorch so can find way back to tent later. Fire looking a bit low but can't see where pile of earlier collected firewood is. Ratch around and find good chunk of wood and head to look in barrel for torch.

Back at campfire, has picked up somewhat. S***t ! Who put the paddle on the fire ?

Paddle seems to have survived relatively unscathed, nothing that a bit of gaffer tape can't fix.

Boiling water for hot chocolate in record time.

Disappointed not to have yet received vision but head to bed hopeful that may occur during the night.

Day 2

Slept so deeply that I fear vision unable to get through.

Can't seem to find the stove although I have got the fuel bottle. Have vague memories of taking it out to repack but cant' seem to remember putting in back in.

Have searched both barrel and my bag and definitely no stove. Have also made a thorough search of the camp area to see if any stoves have been left behind by previous groups, but alas in vain. Start collecting firewood. Seems a bit windier than yesterday.

Tea and porridge in yet another record time, all packed up and ready to head back. Slightly disappointed have not yet had vision but nevertheless am feeling like a true Wilderness Canoe Goddess, vision or not.

Bl***y H*ll this is hard work. have travelled about a quarter of the way back against howling winds sometimes having to stop and line the boat along the lake shore. Have managed to get some shelter behind a large island on the lake and am currently in process of sneaking round to the front.

I am standing on a sandy beach on the largest Island of West North Tea Lake in the Algonquin Park. I am looking west over to the portage sight which will take me back to base camp. But instead of seeing the lake I am faced with the Atlantic Ocean. Waves 5ft high raising towards me, reaching their crescendo and then crashing down in a blast of white spray. I am stunned. I am speechless ( although their is currently no-one to speak to ) I have but one single thought in my mind - Oh S**t
I hear a sound and look to my left 'hi there !' - I meet my fellow marooned camp mates Mike & Avon.

Mike and Avon are positively delighted to have company. They have been 'stuck on this friggin island' for 4 days and are immensely grateful to have someone else to talk to. They are both in their fifties, are annual trippers and have not been stuck like this ever. They have spent the last few days bored out of their minds with the monotony only broken by the occasional canoe capsize they have witnessed just off the end of the island. They make me a cup of tea ( they have two stoves ) and we ponder the situation.

I have convinced myself that the wind has died down and the waves are significantly reduced. I thank Avon & Mike for their hospitality and set off towards the portage.

That was a great work out. After paddling - literally on the spot - for a solid hour I am back on the beach much to the delight of my fellow windbound paddlers. Comments such as 'Brave effort' and 'You've got some guts' help cheer my mood. I concede defeat - at least for the moment.

After musing through various options which admittedly were limited I decide to camp overnight and get up early when wind drops. My contacts back at base camp were expected me this evening and I hope they have the sense to realise am windbound and not send out helicopter search party - that would be most embarrassing for WCG. Thankfully my new campmates are happy to share stove again and we spend a pleasant few hours chatting.

Huddled in tent whilst outside vision continues - this time thunderstorm has been added to the equation.

Day 3

Wake up to the sound of ...well, nothing. I peep out of tent to see sky full of stars with a new yet bright shining moon and a still lake. Pack up tent swiftly and head on water. Set course for Orions belt and paddle towards the portage.

Half way across I stop for a while and take in the moment. The new moon is shining so brightly and reflecting on the water with a beautiful shimmer. The stars are so clear it is incredible. I see a shooting star and make a wish, then I see another and another until I loose count. I make the same wish. This must still be my vision because I can hardly imagine a scene so perfect.

I am now carrying canoe, packs and barrel again. Vision is definitely over as portaging in the dark no more fun than in daylight.

Portages and river journey over ( a few beavers kept me company along the way ) and can now see base camp in sight as the sun starts to rise behind me.

Back at base camp. Alexis is up and preparing breakfast. 'Hey -I was just thinking about you - guess you got windbound yesterday. He asks me 'How was your trip ?' For the second time in the last 24 hours I have only one single thought -

'Awesome' I reply.

Friday 13 August 2010

Bridget Jones does Vision Quest - Part 1

Many cultures have some kind of traditional 'rites of passage' as it were. Time spent in the bush alone looking for answers, visions and trying to find themselves. The tradition from the local people here is known as a 'Vision Quest' and I found myself imagining Bridget Jones on an assignment to report on her personal vision quest. ( Dad, you may have to watch the movie to get the most out of this posting...) Anyway, I hope you enjoy my short story and as for the inspiration ? Well, lets just say its loosely based on a true experience, question is - how many of you know me well enough to separate fact from fiction ?

Bridget Jones Vision Quest
Day 1

At last, setting off on great adventure to search for Wilderness Canoe Goddess in me. ( WCG for short) Of course Vision Quests are supposed to be 4 days long and mine was planned for 2. Well actually originally 3 but the rain yesterday was so awful that would surely have blocked ability to connect with nature and self. So two days and one night it is. More like a 'Vis' Quest. Yes thats it, Vision Quest for the modern woman - after all who really can spare 4 days out of a busy life to sit in the woods thinking. Of course Vision Questers are supposed to fast. However, health&safety procedures ruled this out due to risk of passing out alone in wilderness. Anyway, surely WCG would have blazing campfire thus creating right setting for vision to appear.

Finally have arrive at chosen lake after paddling down creek & lugging canoe and gear { all by myself ! } over 3 portages. Wind is at my back ( glad I'm not having to paddle against it ), sun is shining. Yes, yes, I can feel the WCG in me starting to stir as I leave the hustle and bustle of daily life & all its inconveniences far behind.

Checked mobile phone again. Definitely no signal.

Positively flew down the lake with the wind blowing in my hair to arrive at beautiful campsite on Island. No-one else on the island but rather noisy neighbours on opposite shore. Hope they won't interfere with vision ability.

Tent up and ready to go, wood collected for raging fire and ready for the grand lighting. Will have boiling water and a cup of tea on the go in no time.

Despite dryness of rocks seem unable to light any of my matches. Didn't think I'd need one of those thingys that you get on the box of matches to light them and to save weight had transferred out of box into waterproof bag. First thought was 'what a pain, i'll have to use the stove' ( brought stove just in case was unable to start fire ) followed closely by 2nd thought 'oh s***t. Considering options ;
1. Sit tight, eat chocolate, raw peppers & cereal bars for supper & tell no-on of slight glitch in vision quest.
2. Take most treasured possession and paddled to nearest campsite in order to trade for matches which work.

On way to nearest campsite ( with earlier mentioned noisy occupants ) armed with bar of dairy milk chocolate. On approaching campsite am alarmed to see all occupants run from beach and hide behind trees near tents. Surely a single female in canoe couldn't cause such alarm. 'Coo-ee ! Hello there, terribly sorry to bother you, wondering if you could help me out ? ' [ Best English accent obviously as to not alarm natives any further - the more you sound like the queen the more they trust you ] A pow wow took place between the - seemingly all female occupants - and the bravest girl was sent down to deal with the impostor. 'Hi, this is awfully embarrassing but I seem to have brought safety matches with me and am unable to light them - could I interested you in a trade for a bar of chocolate ?''Errr' came the reply ' we weren't given many and our lighter is supposed to be for emergencies only'. Oh God, the embarrassment grows, I am seeking help from an outward bound group of teenage girls on their first solo trip. 'Have you tried striking them on a rock ?' the chief asks me and 'are they wet ?' Yes and No I replied to both - she clearly thinks I am an idiot and doesn't yet recognise me as WCG. The chief retreated to camp for another pow wow and returned with 8 matches which I traded for my most treasured dairy milk.

Paddling back to camp wondering if my situation has improved or not. Have more matches, with still no actual 'thingy' to light them on if rocks don't work and have given away chocolate. I could have made things worse...
( being kicked out of library so will have to wait for part 2 ! )

Wolf Howls in Algonquin Park

This trip was run through the Northern Edge Algonquin which is a beautiful family run retreat just outside the Park. As well as canoe trips the Edge runs many other retreats such as Yoga, Sea kayaking, 'Seeking Solitude' and 'Finding Balance' courses. It is an incredibly calm & peaceful place to be and the overwhelming feeling I got from all the people I met there was a complete acceptance of everyone whatever their background or beliefs happened to be.

Our guide for the trip was Alexis Burnett who is a wilderness guide for Northern Edge and also runs his own company Earth Tracks. ( For more info on both see the links in the sidebar )

We had a small group of only 6 including Alexis and we had a mix of canoeing & camping experience in the group from quite a lot to none at all. We set off on a small creek which is actually a high up part of the south river and over three short portages into Craig Lake. As we were only out for two nights this became our base camp. The journey to Craig Lake was a short one and we set up camp in good time to enjoy an afternoon of swimming and relaxing.

On the first night we cooked over a camp fire which Alexis started using a bow drill, Ray Mears style ! The food was great and as we sat around the campfire chatting quietly, the lake was very still, I started to get excited about the eagerly anticipated Wolf Howl !

Now, I had assumed, that Alexis as a wilderness guide, had spent many years perfecting a wolf howl, pitch perfect in order to make the wolves believe he was a lost member of the pack etc. in order to encourage them into returning his call. You know what I mean - in the same way that some people can mimic exactly various different bird calls.
No. That's not how it works. Alexis explains that 'someone' [ usually him ] does the first howl and then the rest of the 'pack' join in on the second howl and we just keep going til in fades out. 'Just let it all out' Alexis encourages - on hearing this I got the attack of the giggles. We took positions on the edge of the campsite facing the lake, hands cupped ready for the howl. By this point Alexis was struggling not to giggle too and I was almost doubled up in laughter. [ I apologise if my fellow canoeists were taking this rather more seriously ! ] Anyway, after a couple of deep breaths and a lot of self control, Alexis started the first howl while I giggled in silence and then we all let go - it was so much fun !!! Unfortunately we never got a reply ( apparently its about 65% success rate ) but I tell you I couldn't wait for the next night to howl away again, it was such a laugh. I wonder what the residents of Yewbarrow Road would think if I took up frequent howling ... ?
We had gorgeous weather and I slept in my hammock both nights which was great. I got some lovely photos of sunrise without even having to get out of bed. We got up early and went for a paddle before breakfast, practicing our 'indian strokes' to try and silently sneak up on any moose that may be down at the waters edge, it was just beautiful.
I had a wonderful time on this trip and owe a huge thanks to Alexis for making the trip so great and also for lending me some gear and setting me up for my 'vision quest'...more on that later...

Tuesday 3 August 2010

A brief update - Moose, Wolves and Howling !

Hi everyone,
this is just a quick update to give you a flavour of what I've been up since I left Yellowknife. I'm in the publlic library at South River and unable at the moment to update any new photos.
From leaving Yellowknife I spent a lovely couple of days with Sarah Hurst and family ( Jim, Keiran, Ethan & Cameron ) who have looked after me during my stopover days in Mississauga. Thanks so much to all of you guys, I had a lovely time and especially enjoyed watching Keirans baseball game - well done he played really well and got a massive hit any cricketer would be proud of ;-)
From there is was up to Huntsville where I met George & Barbara Drought who are extremely experienced canoeists and very well known in Canada. George has written several whitewater guide books and I am now the proud owner of signed copies ! They kindly picked me up in Hunstville, cooked a wonderful BBQ and then gave me a lift out to the Wolf Den. While at the Wolf Den I did some hiking in the Algonquin Park where I saw a deer swimming, a moose and a couple of playful otters.
Since Friday I have been at the Northern Edge Algonquin and spent two nights camping in the Park with our guide Alexis and 4 other people who were on the Wolf Howl experience. There is lots more to tell but in summary had a fantastic couple of days, saw moose and lots of loons. Although we didn't hear any wolves we had great fun howling ! Alexis is a wilderness guide & a great guy who works with the Northern Edge and also his own company Earth Tracks. I will update more when I get the chance but in the meantime check out the links...
Alexis has kindly lent me his truck so I could get to the library but I'm back off to The Edge now until Friday when I'll be hooking up with Wendigolake. I won't be online again until the 14th August probably so take care all and thanks for following,
Sarah x